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Girl Mopping

House Cleaning Tips (Dos and Don'ts) | SuperMaids

April 04, 20236 min read

You know the phrase: "Work smarter, not harder!". Keeping our homes clean is hard enough, so we want to make sure we're doing it in the most efficient way we can. Below are some dos and don'ts for house cleaning that will help you keep your home looking tidy and organized.

Girl Mopping

Here's our list of House Cleaning Dos and Don'ts to keep your home looking its best!


1. Create a Cleaning Schedule:

Having a cleaning schedule will help you stay on top of your cleaning tasks! If you're someone who struggles to remember to do the small tasks each week, a cleaning schedule with this structure might help:

home cleaning schedule checklist

Set aside a specific day or time each week to clean different areas of your home. The tasks will depend on your home and what your family needs, but knowing what you need to accomplish on a daily and weekly basis can help you manage your time. For some ideas of where to start when creating a cleaning schedule, you can check out our article about how to make a deep cleaning schedule.

2. Use the Right Tools:

Using the proper cleaning tools can make cleaning much easier. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner, mop, and cleaning products that are safe for the surfaces. Think in the long term when choosing your supplies.

Will you be making it harder to vacuum by choosing the slightly cheaper, but heavy and bulky option? Also, It might feel unnecessary to have a vacuum and a floor duster, but it can make it easier to keep your wood floors clean all the time. Microfiber cloths are also great for dusting and wiping down surfaces. You can keep these in any side table drawer or basket to have handy in every room!

3. Declutter Regularly:

Clutter can quickly develop in any home. Clutter leaves us feeling messy and disorganized. Take time each week to declutter your home. This doesn't have to be a major closet clean-out every week. You can declutter by throwing out old food in the fridge, or putting the crafting supplies the kids left out back in their proper place.

A study by the University of Connecticut found that by removing or controlling clutter, we can directly reduce the stress that stems from the mess. This can help us to feel happier, less anxious, and more confident in ourselves.

Here's a quick guide on some effective ways you can declutter your home every single day:

supermiads guide on how to keep your home free from clutter

4. Clean from Top to Bottom:

When cleaning a room, start from the top and work your way down. This will prevent dust and dirt from settling on surfaces that have already been cleaned. Start by dusting the tops of shelves, ceiling fans, and other high spots. Save the vacuuming for last, since you don't want to undo your hard work by spreading dust!

5. Focus on Busy Areas:

If you had unexpected company, what's the first things they'd see? When coming up with a cleaning schedule, start with rooms like the bathroom, kitchen or entryway. These areas can easily become a mess, while also being the most likely to be seen by visitors.

Man Vacuuming a shag rug


1. Using Harsh Chemicals:

Ruling out "harsh" cleaning chemicals can be tricky. When cleaning areas like the bathroom you'll need to break out the tough stuff every once in a while. They can also be necessary for things that don't get cleaned very often like the oven.

However, don't overuse the harsher chemicals. When doing your daily or weekly cleaning, opt for safe or natural cleaning products. An all purpose cleaner is the perfect product to start switching to natural solutions. Natural products are usually easier on your furniture, flooring, and countertops. Use them as often as you can!

2. Neglect Hard-to-Reach Areas:

It's easy to overlook areas that are difficult to reach, such as ceiling fans and baseboards. Make sure to include these areas in your cleaning routine to keep your home from building up too much debris. You can include your ceiling fan in your bi-weekly schedule, depending on how quickly your home accumulates dust.

If you have children or pets, the baseboards tend to build up dirt and scuffs before you know it! Make sure to be mindful of these areas when doing your weekly cleaning tasks. Most things with come off with a natural all purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth.

3. Rush Through Cleaning:

Very few people enjoy spending hours of their free time meticulously cleaning their homes.

timer for cleaning that shows no time left

(This is where hiring a professional cleaning service can help out. It's our job to spend hours being meticulous!)

It's easy to rush through cleaning and miss the spots that will only continue to accumulate dust or debris. While it saves time now to skip those spots, it'll make your cleaning jobs harder later on. We recommend setting cleaning timers for yourself. Stick to the timer and take a break once it's done. See a few more spots you missed? Set another timer to tackle those.

Many people have an "all or nothing" approach to cleaning. It's either a rushed-through cleaning, or they get sucked into a long cleaning session they can't break away from. This can cause you to dread cleaning later on. By setting timers and taking needed breaks, you can ensure you're getting the job done without overworking yourself!

4. Ignore Stains and Spills:

Stains and spills can be difficult to remove if they are left for too long. Make sure to clean up spills as soon as they happen to prevent them from becoming permanent stains. One way to make sure you're able to tackle spills is to keep stain treatment handy. If your kids spill things in the living room, it would be smart to keep a bottle of stain remover in the living room.

If you hate treating stains, investing in washable rugs and couch covers can be a smart move. That way, when a stain happens you can just throw the item in the wash and forget about it!

5. Overlook the Importance of Ventilation:

Proper ventilation is important when cleaning. It helps prevent the buildup of harmful fumes and chemicals. When the weather permits, trying opening windows and doors or using a fan to circulate air while cleaning. Having your windows open can help brighten your mood as well! Fresh air does wonders for your mindset, especially if you don't enjoy cleaning in the first place.

None of us want to waste our time doing tasks inefficiently. If you follow these cleaning tips, you can work smarter, not harder! By creating a schedule that works for you and learning what to prioritize, cleaning can come naturally.

While these tips can help make cleaning your home easier, we understand that not everyone has the time or energy to keep up with cleaning tasks. That's where SuperMaids cleaning services come in! SuperMaids offers professional cleaning services that can help keep your home clean and organized without the hassle.

If you're interested in learning more about our services, you can contact us at (304) 902-4488. Our team of experienced cleaners can help you create a custom cleaning plan that fits your home's specific needs and schedule!

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